David Lynch - Good Day Today
Submitted 13 December, 2010. View all videos.


Good Day Today.

We based this around the concept that machines, once they have fulfilled their purpose/function in the human world then go onto an afterlife. They live out the rest of their post shelf-life period in the places humans tend not to loiter (that dark underpass you don't want to walk down alone at night / the empty multi-storey car park etc). These machines are the true citizens of the underbelly of society.

This 'afterlife' has parallels to that of the life of a modern refugee/immigrant, almost and underclass of the underclass. They cant 'work ' anymore, they have no rights but they strive to keep on keeping on and build some sort of life. We imagined there is an entire outmoded race of industrial and domestic machines living this life. Where once was beauty in their form in their working past (e.g streamlined jet age hoover design) they are now seen as old fashioned and somewhat deformed, out dated.

We played with the theme of redemption, whats at the end of the tunnel after this? How would a machine revere or despise its 'creator'? Where would they go to engage in their spirituality or their beliefs? to meditate or pray? Much like humans, they also look up to the sky for a saviour / redemption..only in this case their halo's and angels and creators are much closer to the ground, their iconography and symbolism taking much more of a physical yet abstract form (streetlights / lamp posts / architecture). This film follows a husband (refrigerator) and wife (Hoover) on a good day.

So, the next time you see a broken microwave from 1987 at the side of the road or a grey outdated PC tower lurching out of a bush on a country lane, maybe its not broken, maybe its just thumbing a lift to somewhere better.